Holistic Doula

Welcome and so wonderful you are here. My name is Juli.

As a Doula  I support, empower and hold space for you during the transformative journey of pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

My role is to provide continuous holistic and embodied emotional, spiritual and  physical support before, during and after childbirth.

My approach is body - and nature centered and I believe in birth as a beautiful and natural Rite of passage. 

I understand that every woman has her unique journey, which is why I offer personalized care to meet each womans need. Being a Doula I aim to provide a natural, holistic, empowering experience that enhances the mothers mental, physical and emotional well-being.

I believe 100% in the inherent knowledge and intuition in your wise-woman-body,

in your baby and y o u r  unique way of womanhood, birth and motherhood.

Your woman-body knows naturally how to birth. - I am here to remind you.

As a Doula I am committed to provide a safe and warm  space and I believe it is possible for you to have the magical (birth- ) experience that is best for you and your baby and that helps you create a positive birth memory. 

I want you to feel nourished, held and empowered. 

Pregnancy , childbirth and the postpartum period are a vulnerable time and also deep Rite of Passage and I honor you are walking this life-changing way .

How magical!

You do not have to walk it alone.

Im here to support you to be your most empowered Self . To walk along with you. To stay by your side. To remind you of your inherent power and that you can trust your body and yourself.

My Offerings are designed to meet your unique needs and preferences, providing you with the support and care you deserve. Contact me to learn more about my Offerings and how I can support you during this transformative time.

“It is important to keep in mind that our bodies must work pretty well, or there wouldn't be so many humans on the planet.”
― Ina May Gaskin


First of all: What is a Doula?

a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to their client before, during and shortly after childbirth to help them achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.

Countless scientific trials examining doula care demonstrate remarkably improved physical and psychological outcomes for both pregnant, birthing, and postpartum people and their baby. Doulas have a positive impact on the well-being of the entire family.

Why having a Birth Doula?

It is one of the positive developments in maternity care to have Doulas and Birthkeepers who guide and support women and their partners continuously through the transitions of pregnancy, labor and birth. As your Doula I will usually meet with you in advance, be on call for you, arrive at your home or the hospital when you need me and remain with you continuously, with few breaks, until after the baby is born. I am trained and experienced in providing emotional support, physical comfort and nonclinical advice. In best case I get to know you during pregnancy and learn about your story, your priorities , preferences, fears and concerns and help develop strategies to deal with them. I have knowledge and experience so I can reassure, encourage, comfort and empathize with you. I will also work with your partner, assisting you both.

As a Doula I do not take the role of the medical professional like midwife or doctor and also not your beloved Birth Partner. But there are many times when you will need more than one helper and your partner might also need reassurance, advice and help. As your Doula I will not make decisions for you but rather help you to get the space and information you need to make your own empowered decisions. My goal is for you to have a satisfying experience as you define it.

During prenatal talks or visits, I work with you to create a birth plan that aligns with your values, beliefs and preferences. I offer emotional support and comfort measures like Holistic Massages, Rebozo, natural remedies and homeopathy to help prepare you for childbirth. My goal is to empower you to make informed decisions about your journey.

During childbirth, I offer you continuous support as well as physical and emotional comfort to make your experience as positive and comfortable as possible. That could include breathing exercises, massage or other natural pain management techniques, offering you water between contractions, being with you so your partner can have a little break or making pictures of your birth.

My postpartum support for you is to provide emotional and practical support during the first weeks with your newborn. This can include emotional support to help you process and integrate your birthing experience and to adjust to your new role, practical help with the baby, siblings and in your home, Postpartum Massage and other comfort measures as well as creating personalized placenta medicine for you if you are interested in utilizing this natural and traditional medicine to support postpartum healing and recovery.

My S E R V I C E S for you


Body Treatments:


-Prenatal Holistic Massage & Lomi Hapaii



1:1 with Me:

Holistic and natural healing support:

Homeopathy & Herbalism

Birth Coaching and Debriefing Session of previous births


Blessingway Ceremony -a sacred and intimate ritual to honor, bless and celebrate the becoming mother and her journey into motherhood

Maternity Photography


Placenta Magic

- I prepare powerful medicine for you - Encapsulation, Smoothie, Tincture

-I make you a Placenta print & Amnio Moons to remember and honor the powerful sacred first home of your little one

1:1 with Me:

After-Birth/ Postpartum Visit

Postpartum Massage

Birth Debriefing Session - your opportunity for Reflection, Coping, Understanding, Following-Up, & Healing

Closing the Bones Ritual - Postpartum Ceremony to support recovery and healing and bringing the body into new alignment, honoring the body and soul for the huge transformation of birth

Grief and Loss Ritual - Goodbye Ceremony

Bonding Bath/ BabyHealingBath after Brigitte Meissner


Birth Doula

- Im with you through whole labor and birth until after the baby is born - providing emotional support, physical comfort and nonclinical advice

on-call from week 38 & text/call support from time of hire

optional :

Birth Photography and Videography

- recall those powerful precious moments when your little one comes earthside

Stillbirth, Miscarriage, Abortion, early infant loss- Doula Support - please reach out!

What I stand for

I believe you are the expert of your birth!

I trust you and I want you to trust yourself!

I believe that every woman should experience her pregnancy and birth in freedom and self- determination.

I want to help you to tap into your instincts to move with the inherent wisdom of your body and to make decisions based on your knowing and intuition.

I know and stand behind the power of an undisturbed and hands-off approach to childbirth. I have witnessed the raw beauty of it.

It can be calm. It can be peaceful. It can be sacred. It can be natural. A dance between you and your baby.

As Doula I stand for a holistic and embodied approach of holding space for you. Because Embodied Connection leads to safety.

I am here to empower women to trust their intuition and body-wisdom and to step away from the often tech-heavy and male-dominated (birth) system into the inherent naturalness of birth and the strong ability of your body to birth.

I aim to provide a supportive and nurturing environment where fear and control are replaced with trust, empathy and confidence.

Women who love birth, love women.

To love birth means you trust birth,

to trust birth is to trust women.